Recent Events
Spring 2024 Lecture
Hidden Histories of Chevy Chase
David Fairchild: The Chevy Chase Food Explorer
Bestselling author Daniel Stone discussed the life and work of one-time Chevy Chase resident and distinguished botanist, David Fairchild. In the late 19th century, Fairchild traveled to more than 50 countries, shipping back to the US some 4,000 new or improved varieties of plants, from avocados to zucchini, and from mangoes to pistachios. In addition to foods, we have Fairchild to thank for the Japanese cherry blossoms that ring the Tidal Basin each spring. Stone’s biography, The Food Explorer, tells the story of how Fairchild changed American agriculture--and the American palate--forever.
History-Go-Round of Chevy Chase Lake
This lecture and walking tour covered the area that was once Chevy Chase Lake, near Connecticut Ave. and Chevy Chase Lake Drive.

Fall 2023 Lecture
Hidden Histories of Chevy Chase
The Rollingwood Burial Ground for Enslaved People
The Chevy Chase Historical Society started off a new lecture series covering important but lesser known subjects, the Hidden Histories of Chevy Chase with a lecture by Renata Lisowski, Director of the CCHS Archive and Research Center, about the Rollingwood Burial Ground for Enslaved People.
Watch a recording of the program on the CCHS YouTube Channel
Summer 2023 Special Program
Preserving Your Precious Items at Home: How to Care for Your Family Archive
Renata Lisowski, Director of the CCHS Archive and Research Center, discusses archival best practices, damage prevention and mitigation, and archive safe products and where to buy them. She also demonstrates preservation techniques for photo albums, scrap books, documents, and more!
View and download the slideshow here
Watch a recording of the program on the CCHS YouTube Channel
Spring 2023 Lecture
An Iconic House is Reborn: The History of 9 Chevy Chase Circle
Emily Hotaling Eig, founder and president of EHT Traceries, and one of the firm’s architectural historians, John Gentry, present an historic overview of the architectural centerpiece of Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Watch it now on the CCHS YouTube Channel

Fall 2020 Lecture
Marching for the Vote: The 1913 Woman Suffrage Procession
Historian, journalist and author Rebecca Boggs Roberts will present the Chevy Chase Historical Society’s first-ever Zoom webinar on Sunday, November 15, at 4 p.m., as she describes the 1913 suffrage parade that turned the tide in women’s long fight for the right to vote.
Watch it now on the CCHS YouTube Channel

Fall 2019 Lecture
Votes for Women: How the Battle Was Waged and Won
One hundred years after the 1919 passage of the Constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, Dr. Elisabeth Griffith presents the CCHS Fall 2019 Lecture, “Votes for Women: How the Battle Was Waged and Won.”
Watch it Now on the CCHS YouTube Channel